The customer I made this for had a huge 13' diameter rock in their yard. They also had a heavy sun shaped cast iron piece from and auction sale. After putting our heads together we came up with the idea using the rock and the cast iron piece to construct an eight foot tall sundial rooted to the rock.
The whole frame is in the shape of a large door with iron roots on each side anchoring the structure to the rock. Thirty four steel pipes spread out in an array from the center of the cast iron piece emphasizing the symbol of the sun. The five foot long stainless steel gnomon points to the North star.
As the sun shines the shadow is cast on the face of the cast iron telling solar time.
Stainless steel rods on the face mark the hours. The math got trickier since the customer wanted the structure on a bit of an angle facing south east. I enjoyed the challenge to properly calculate the positions of the hour marks and gnomon for our latitude.

Part way through the project this phrase from Genesis kept running through my head.

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."