This is the highway sign I have one
half mile from my home. The sign is
constructed out of sheet metal which
has been aggressively beaten with a
power hammer using dies I designed
to create the corrugated folds. The
folds give the metal a bark texture
and provide a lot of strength for the
entire structure without adding a lot
of weight.
The whole tree weighs less than 350
lbs and stands 14.5' tall. A central
spine of 2 inch steel pipe adds
additional strength all through the
trunk and two supporting branches.
I liked the idea of using cedar for the
sign's background because of it's rot
resistant qualities. The letters are
forged hot into shape out of 1/4 inch
thick flat steel. They are mounted 1/4
inch off of the wood to make them
pop out a bit. The leaves range in size
from 6 to 9 inches long shaped out
of 1/16 inch steel. Three steel
anchors 6 feet in the ground hold the
sign firmly in place. It was a lot of
fun to build.