This coffee table was another fun
The customer loves math. I mean he
really really loves math and patterns.
He had the idea of two meshing
ellipses representing the lives of two
becoming one in marriage. He wanted
to incorporate the idea into a wedding
gift for his daughter. Together we
designed this idea for a coffee table.
In order to get the bonze patina on the
table I needed to polish and then heat
the whole structure to about 550
degrees. Not having an oven that big
and being part red neck I created a
huge fire in my garden enclosed in
recycled sheet metal and waited till I
had a large bed of coals. Then I
carefully laid the table pieces on the
coals covered it with sheet metal and
let the heat soak in for three hours. After
many checks with the infrared
thermometer I removed the cover and
gradually let all the pieces cool. The
whole structure was clear coated and
all the pieces including the ½" thick
glass was shipped to Calgary.